AA2 was highly anticipated, so a lot of people were willing to dedicate their time to it. maybe less than a month? I don't really remember, but I remember it was fast. They had a machine translation up in days and a real translation up in. aa2u is recommended to make the cards run properly or as the cards should look like.

I will upload the rest of the characters next time if I could. I remember when AA2 first came out and the /hgg/ thread and Hongfire were kind of racing to translate it. Artificial Academy 2: LoMI characters part 1 By FelipeMorano82 Published: 8 Favourites 0 4.6K Views aa2artificialacademy2 Characters originally came from Lover of Mirror Image indie game. EDIT: I see you posted a link to the HF Patch thread, but I might as well post a second one to the forum section: There's a forum section on Hongfire for the AA2 mods themselves, as well. If anyone is going to play AA2 they're also going to want the Illusion Wizzard to install mods: I imagine these days they have easy installers with the translation and patches rolled into it. Buying it if you're in the west is actually quite difficult, since Illusion is skittish after that Rapelay incident, so procuring a free copy is far easier than just buying it. added a "pose" group to make the character to certain poses loaded by the editor (different standings / personality stances as well as the soft/middle/hard and mosaic animations).I'm sure people would appreciate it.it can display the 4 outfits of a character, or temporarily override an outfit to display any outfit (with the color of the original outfit, however) in any state (full, half off, etc) added a "clothing" group to the system dialog.when checked, saving an allready existing card will cause it to keep the cards image. added a backup feature that backs up cards before and after saving repsectively.note that this does not work with links (lnk files) or non-editor exes (applocale).you can make a shortcut to it with this parameter for automatisation.AAFace.exe can now be called with a command line argument to automatically start AA2Edit.exe and inject the dll.now comes with a faq.txt for msvcr error n stuff.fixed a bug that prevented the logger from working correctly.fixed a bug that prevented the random button from working on buttons that were bound to an edit-control.fixed a bug where changing the value in the hair up-down-control would take focus from it.original editor buttons will now represent the choice done in the up-down-control if possible.restructured some of the code to make it less copy n pasty.config.txt, items.txt, and AAFaceDll.dll now belong in a sub folder called AAFace instead of next to the AA2Edit.exe.Changed the File organization in an attempt to reduce clutter:.